Literal Spelling & Deviated Pronunciation
   The "literal spelling" of Taiwanese words is such spelling expressed with only the 26 international alphabetic letters. Since those vowel letters are used ti express the asigned pronunciation, it is sometimes difficult to let people read it with some other sounds of their custom.
   For instance, the literal Spelling of kong'hngg (park) is used in MLT, regardless of the pronunciation of readers in some Northern provinces is [kong-hvuii]. To remind them that they have to read it as [kong-hvuii], it is adviced to underline below the vowel, thus when they see in thier text a word "konghngg", they read it as [kong-hvuii] in accordance with their custom.  We call the underline as the symbol of reminder for possible "derivative pronunciation"
   The following is the table of derived voices. Here,"spelling" means MLT-Spelling, and "TMSS" means
underlined spelling in TMSS.
 spelling TMSS  voice example
ng ng ng or vui (png, nngr, kngf,, hngg
vi vi vi or ve (ang'vy, pvixvi, svikviar
viu viu viu or vio (cviu'arm, kviw, hauxtviuo;
voai voai voaior vui (kvoai, kvoay
i i i or (u) (khix, lie, ,niawchie, ti
o o o or Ø (bokuo, pofho, khoflieen
oe oe oe or e (boexhiao, kviakoex,zoexzoe;
eng eng eng or ing (bengpek, hoetefng
eg, ek eg, ek eg,ek or ig,ik (tegseg, tek'heng
Attention: In ordinary document and writings, we use the literal spelling without the underline.  Only in teaching children to recognize Taiwanese words, we adds the underline for easy remembrance; this is the speling in TMSS(Taiwanese Modern Spelling System)

Literal Spelling & Deviated K-H Liim